
Catching up :)

As I have not had access to the internet for many weeks i have jotted down notes each week in my visual diary in which I will share now.

Starting with some notes and resreach i had done on the camera and its settings.

*TV - Shutter speed
AV - Aperture (size of the hole inside the lens)

* To change these settings hold down the button with the 5 small squares in a cross position and turn the circular spinning button. This is in my own non technical language :)

*TV - can freeze an action or create blur- which is what i manipulated to get the skateboarder
Frozen action - (fast shutter speed) moving subject 1/4000 t0 1/500
Blurred action (slow shutter speed) 1/250 to 1/30

*AV - can manipulate the depth of field
Blurred background (large opening)
Sharp foreground/background (small aperture opening)

*ISO speed
100/200 Sunny Outdoors
400/800 Overcast skies, evening
1600 Night or dark indoors

*A-DEP - Auto depth of field

- Large depth of field - large aperture

- Small depth of field - small aperture

The smaller the number the bigger the hole will be!

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